
When I was a child I spoke as a child, now I am an old man I shall soon do so again – so for a while, let me speak as a man.

6 thoughts on “About”

  1. Rachael Charmley said:

    Thank you for following my blog, and I hope it offers you some enjoyment.

  2. Hi, Geoffrey,

    I just saw a link on mine going here, and it reminded me that I wanted to say ‘hi’, and that I hope everything is going well. Good excuse as well.

    Some people you run across hat are worth the effort to keep in touch, you are one.


    • Good to hear from you. Aye, not bad, but Mrs S is taking up much of my time at the moment. Hope you’re well.

      • And from you. I have been praying for her and you but, my source for updates is defunct, at least for now, as you know. My best to both of you, and you are missed and loved.

        If you don’t have it my email is dachrist75@gmail.com and feel free to use it. Good’uns are too hard to find. 🙂

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